Important Information
- Always complete a colorfastness test before use.
- Always follow the instructions on the garment’s wash care label.
- Ensure garments are free from all detergent residues before proceeding.
- Only use in a well ventilated room.
- Avoid breathing fumes.
- Take special care if suffering from asthma, bronchitis or allergies which affect breathing.
- Use the complete sachet.
- Do not store part-used sachets.
- Store in a cool dry place.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
Direction For Use:
In a container – preferably airtight
- Carefully cut open the sachet and completely dissolve the powder in approx. 6 litres of the hottest water the fabric care label will allow.
- Add up to 1.5 kg of discoloured washing and submerge fully (do not add any detergent).
- The washing must be completely submerged in the solution the entire time.
- Cover the container.
- Allow washing to soak for at least 4 hours. For best results, with tough colour runs and/or low temperatures (30/40 °C) allow washing to soak overnight, for up to 24 hours.
- Then rinse thoroughly several times with clean water, or wash separately in the washing machine.
- We recommend wearing rubber gloves when using the product.
- People with respiratory diseases should avoid using the product in containers.
In the washing machine
- Load the drum with up to 3 kg of discoloured washing.
- Carefully cut open the sachet and pour the contents into the detergent draw.
- Select the maximum allowable temperature as stated on the fabric care label (do not add any detergent).
- Immediately commence main wash cycle. DO NOT use economy, pre-wash or time delay cycles.