
No, we only deliver locally. Delivery costs will apply, and will be added at checkout. We run discounts and promotions all year, so stay tuned for exclusive deals.

It depends on where you are. Orders processed here will take 1-2 business days to arrive. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.

All emails are generated automatically. Please check your junk folder for order confirmation. If not, you can contact us using the contact page

Shipping is executed by either our internal delivery team or a contracted third party carrier.


The receipt for your order can be found via the email address you used to sign up for our services or by signing into your online account.

We make every effort to ensure that items submitted in your cart are physically present for fulfillment. If this fails, we will reach out to you via telephone or email to offer an alternative or a refund for the out of stock item.

Deliveries are made to the address provided. The telephone number provided is used to contact the customer during delivery. Please provide the receipt number on delivery for confirmation.

Please CALL US(1-473-440-2165) if someone other than yourself will be accepting the delivery. If you are not available for the scheduled delivery please CALL US to reschedule. Unfortunately, canceled orders will incur a 5% restocking fee.


We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help. Just email us directly and we’ll take you through the process.

It depends on the creator and the product. All options are outlined on the product page, so look out for customization options there.


You can contact us through our contact page! We will be happy to assist you.