OKF Smoothie Red 500ml


OKF Smoothie Red 500ml

OKF's premium beverage, Smoothie blended healthy fruits and vegetables packed up nutrition and fantastic taste for balance of health in our daily lives.

It helps to keep good body shape and serve essential nutrient. Plus, there is fun to choose your favorite color beverage blended with fruits and vegetables that has same color.

Enjoy premium package and get freshness with just one sip.

OKF Smoothie Red 500ml

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OKF Smoothie Red 500ml OKF's premium beverage, Smoothie blended healthy fruits and vegetables packed up nutrition and fantastic taste for balance... Read more

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SKU: EW143
Barcode: 884394007872

18 in stock

XCD $10.50 Incl. VAT

    • Shipped today? Order within: Feb 22, 2025 17:00:00 -0400


    OKF Smoothie Red 500ml

    OKF's premium beverage, Smoothie blended healthy fruits and vegetables packed up nutrition and fantastic taste for balance of health in our daily lives.

    It helps to keep good body shape and serve essential nutrient. Plus, there is fun to choose your favorite color beverage blended with fruits and vegetables that has same color.

    Enjoy premium package and get freshness with just one sip.

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