Monster Energy Assault 500ml
Monster Energy Assault 500ml can, great tasting, refreshing energy drink with energy blend, 160mg caffeine Monster Energy Assault has a newly upgraded Bourbon Cola Flavour combined with the Monster Energy Blend - At Monster, we don't get too hung up on politics. We don't care if you're right wing, left wing or a chicken wing.
We dig camo and think it's the perfect cover for our sneak attack on the ordinary. - Newly upgraded, Monster Assault is a flavor revolution unlike anything you've had before.
Optimized and fortified by our battle-tested Monster energy blend, Assault will keep you on high alert. - Carbonated energy drink with taurine, L-carnitine, caffeine, ginseng and B vitamins - Unleash The Beast! Serve cold for maximum refreshment. Store in a cool and dry place Please recycle.