Elbow Grease Drain Unblocker 750ml


Elbow Grease Drain Unblocked 750ml

Elbow Grease® Drain Unblocked is easy to pour and works quickly to unblock sinks, showers and baths.

The liquid works effectively to sink through standing water and quickly reach the blockage point, at the same time as killing those unwanted odours that blockages can cause.

Elbow Grease Drain Unblocker 750ml

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Elbow Grease Drain Unblocked 750ml Elbow Grease® Drain Unblocked is easy to pour and works quickly to unblock sinks, showers... Read more

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SKU: RBT2108
Barcode: 5053249241777

5 in stock

XCD $13.70 Incl. VAT


      Elbow Grease Drain Unblocked 750ml

      Elbow Grease® Drain Unblocked is easy to pour and works quickly to unblock sinks, showers and baths.

      The liquid works effectively to sink through standing water and quickly reach the blockage point, at the same time as killing those unwanted odours that blockages can cause.

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