
108 products

  • Coca Cola 500ml

    Coca Cola 500ml

    Gluten-free, dairy-free and nut-free. Serve ice cold for maximum refreshment. Keep one cold in the fridge. Coca Cola is a great tasting, refreshing soft drink with natural flavors and no added preservatives, for a refreshing, instantly recognizable taste. Each 500ml bottle is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans alike. Coca-Cola is also gluten, dairy and nut free, making it suitable for people with a number of allergies. Coca-Cola Classic is the world's favorite soft drink, great Coke taste with only natural flavors and no added preservatives. INGREDIENTS Carbonated Water, Sugar, Color (Caramel E150d), Phosphoric Acid, Natural Flavorings including Caffeine. Storage Store cool and dry.

    XCD $3.50

  • Glenelg Natural Spring Water 0.5L

    Glenelg Natural Spring Water 0.5L

    Glenelg Natural Spring Water 0.5L

    XCD $2.25

  • Mount Pure Still Mineral Water 1Lt

    Mount Pure Still Mineral Water 1Lt

    Mount Pure Still Mineral Water 1Lt

    XCD $3.70

  • Mount Pure Natural Mineral Water 1.5L

    Mount Pure Natural Mineral Water 1.5L

    Mount Pure Natural Mineral Water 1.5L

    XCD $4.18

  • Schweppes Ginger Ale 591ml

    Schweppes Ginger Ale 591ml

    Schweppes Ginger Ale 500ml

    XCD $3.35

  • Minute Maid Fruit Cooler Orange 500ml

    Minute Maid Fruit Cooler Orange 500ml

    Minute Maid has been an international figurehead of nutrient-rich and refreshing fruit drinks, made from high quality fruits and juices, for more than 60 years. Minute Maid Fruit Coolers are enriched with vitamins B3, B6 and B12. Minute Maid Fruit Coolers are available in PET bottles of 350 ml and 500 ml in three flavors: Portugal (mandarin flavor, with added vitamins B3, B6 and B12), Orange and Lemonade (with added vitamins B3, B6 and B12). To have a healthy diet, it is important that you eat and drink varied and moderate. Foods and drinks with sugar, which contain calories, are part of this. These foods and beverages can be part of a balanced lifestyle as long as they are not used too much.

    XCD $3.35

  • Dasani Purified Water 500ml

    Dasani Purified Water 500ml

    Dasani Purified Water 500ml. Dasani Packaged Drinking Water is purified water enhanced with minerals for a pure, fresh taste. Enjoy the taste of pure, crisp taste of water. This premium-tasting water is pure and delicious. We bring to you a healthy hydration option. DASANI® uses reverse osmosis filtration to remove impurities before enhancing the water with a special blend of minerals for the pure, crisp, invigorating taste that's delightfully DASANI®. Ingredients Purified Water, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Salt, Ozone.  

    XCD $2.00

  • Fanta Orange 20oz

    Fanta Orange 20oz

    Fanta Orange 20oz 20 Ounce Bottle Perfect size for drinking with meals, on the go, or any time Carbonated Water

    XCD $3.35

  • Last stock! Arizona Rx Herbal Energy Tonic 23oz

    Arizona Rx Herbal Energy Tonic 23oz

    1 in stock


    1 in stock

    XCD $5.50

  • Last stock! Rica Orange Juice Drink 500ml

    Rica Orange Juice Drink 500ml

    5 in stock

    Rica Orange Juice Drink 1/2L  16.9 fl.oz  27/case Our oranges carefully grown and processed in our farms, makes Rica's orange Juice everyone's favorite juice in the family Orange Juice with vitamin C Perfect size for drinking with meals, on the go, or any time No preservatives High fructose corn Syrup Free Perfect for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner drink.

    5 in stock

    XCD $4.55

  • Angostura Lemon & Lime Bitters Can 355ml  24c/s

    Angostura Lemon & Lime Bitters Can 355ml 24c/s

    Angostura Lemon & Lime Bitters Can 355ml  24c/s A premium non-alcoholic mixer Sparkling lemon/lime beverage made with Angostura Aromatic Bitters Natural Lemon and Lime Flavor

    XCD $4.52

  • Glenelg Natural Spring Water 5L

    Glenelg Natural Spring Water 5L

    Glenelg Natural Spring Water 5L

    XCD $10.85

  • Minute Maid Fruit Cooler Portugal 500ml

    Minute Maid Fruit Cooler Portugal 500ml

    20 in stock

    Minute Maid Fruit Cooler Portugal 500ml

    20 in stock

    XCD $3.35

  • Rica Orange Juice 12x1lt

    Rica Orange Juice 12x1lt

    Rica Orange Juice 12x1lt King of juices worldwide, made from orange, a powerful antioxidant for its large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system. Drink the Rica orange juice at breakfast, snack or to mix your favorite drinks. Our oranges carefully grown and processed in our farms, makes Rica's orange Juice everyone's favorite juice in the family Orange Juice with vitamin C Perfect size for drinking with meals, on the go, or any time No preservatives High fructose corn Syrop Free Perfect for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner drink. The all time favorite Dominican Juice Great Source of Vitamin C, Potassium and calcium Comes from our own carefully grown and processed oranges.

    XCD $7.30

  • Sprite 20oz

    Sprite 20oz

    The world's most popular lemon lime drink!

    XCD $3.35

  • Rica Orange Juice 18/330ml

    Rica Orange Juice 18/330ml

    6 in stock

    Rica Orange Juice 18/330ml

    6 in stock

    XCD $3.55

  • Fanta Grape 20oz

    Fanta Grape 20oz

    Ingredients Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Natural Flavors, Tartaric Acid, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate, Citric Acid, Red #38, Blue 1. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:** ** Percent Daily Values listed below are intended for adults and children over 4 years of age. Foods represented or purported to be for use by infants, children less than 4 years of age, pregnant women, or lactating women shall use the RDI's that are specified for the intended group provided by the FDA. Calories: 2,000 2,500 Total Fat Less than 65g 80g Sat. Fat Less than 20g 25g Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg Sodium Less than 2,400mg 2,400mg Potassium 3,500mg 3,500mg Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g Dietary Fiber 25g 30g Protein 50g 65g Calories per gram:Fat 9, Carbohydrate 4, Protein 4

    XCD $3.35

  • Schweppes Grapefruit 500ml

    Schweppes Grapefruit 500ml

    Schweppes Grapefruit 500ml

    XCD $3.35

  • Swee' Drink Kola Champagne 20oz (591ml)

    XCD $3.35

  • Coca Cola Zero 20oz

    Coca Cola Zero 20oz

    Coca Cola Zero 20oz Enjoy the classic taste of Coke without the calories when you drink this 20-ounce bottle of Coca-Cola Zero Sugar. Sip on this zero-calorie Coke to get through the day. A blend of natural flavors delivers a signature cola taste, and sweeteners keep the calorie count down to provide a refreshing option for those looking to reduce their intake. This Coca-Cola Zero Sugar soda comes in a 20-ounce plastic bottle with an easy-on, easy-off top, making it a perfect portable thirst quencher. Coca-Cola taste with, zero sugar, zero calories Comes in a 20 oz. plastic bottle Caffeine content: 57mg Ingredients summary: carbonated water, caramel color, phosphoric acid, aspartame, potassium benzoate (to protect taste), natural flavors, potassium citrate, acesulfame potassium Coca-Cola taste with, zero sugar, zero calories Comes in a 20 oz. plastic bottle Caffeine content: 57mg

    XCD $3.50

  • Schweppes Club Soda 500ml

    Schweppes Club Soda 500ml

    Schweppes Club Soda 500ml INGREDIENTS: Carbonated Water, Sodium Bicarbonate, Salt, Potassium Sulfate.

    XCD $3.35

  • Last stock! Rica Fruit Punch Juice Drink 330ml  18/case

    1 in stock

    XCD $3.55

  • Last stock! Pepsi Regular 12oz

    Pepsi Regular 12oz

    2 in stock

    Pepsi Regular 12oz Bold flavor Folks that find water and clear-colored Soft Drinks too nondescript will enjoy the Bold flavor of Pepsi. Each can of SIP Tickles your tongue, filled your mouth with rich flavor. Refreshing drink QUENCH your thirst with an effervescent can of this familiar Soda. This popular drink tastes fresh, not flat, and is even more refreshing when Refrigerated before opening. Ingredients: Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Caramel Color, Sugar, Phosphoric Acid, Caffeine, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor.

    2 in stock

    XCD $3.50

  • Last stock! Caribbean Cool Mauby Drink 500ml

    Caribbean Cool Mauby Drink 500ml

    3 in stock

    Caribbean Cool is a refreshing juice drink that comes in a delectable range of tropical flavors. Contains 100% Vitamin C Perfect on-the-go, or paired with your favorite lunch or snacks, Caribbean Cool is a refreshing taste of the Caribbean  

    3 in stock

    XCD $3.60

  • Club Social Integral.92oz

    Club Social Integral.92oz

    Club Social Integral.92oz Whole wheat crackers, drizzled with salt and oil that have a nice golden color The cracker has a rectangular shape and is marked in three parts 9 individually packed packets

    XCD $0.75

  • Last stock! Rica Orange Juice 200ml  24/case

    Rica Orange Juice 200ml 24/case

    1 in stock

    Rica Orange Juice 200ml  24/case

    1 in stock

    XCD $1.90

  • OKF Sparkling Zero Sugar Drink Asst 350ml

    XCD $4.25

  • Last stock! Rica Apple Juice 24x200ml 24/cs

    Rica Apple Juice 24x200ml 24/cs

    2 in stock

    Rica Apple Juice 27x200ml 27/cs

    2 in stock

    XCD $1.90

  • Last stock! Rica Fruit Punch Juice Drink 1Lt  12/case

    1 in stock

    XCD $7.30

  • Last stock! Mountain Dew Can 12oz

    Mountain Dew Can 12oz

    1 in stock

    Mountain Dew, the original, the one that started it all. Mtn Dew stimulates and shakes with its unique flavor. Mountain Dew is a favorite of teens and young adults. Extra boost of caffeine in citrus flavored drink. "Do the Dew" This package includes 18-ounce, twelve-ounce cans. Perfect for celebrations large and small, or to store your pantry at home or in the office. 170 calories per can. Mountain Dew, the original instigator, refreshes with its unique great flavor. Take the Dew.

    1 in stock

    XCD $3.50

  • Last stock! Canada Dry Ginger Ale 100% Natural Flavors 12oz

    Canada Dry Ginger Ale 100% Natural Flavors 12oz

    1 in stock

    Canada Dry Ginger Ale 355ml - refreshing real ginger taste in everyone's favorite soft drink Canada Dry Ingredients:Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, natural flavors, sodium benzoate (preservative), natural flavors, caramel color

    1 in stock

    XCD $3.40

  • Ribena Blackcurrent 250ml

    Ribena Blackcurrent 250ml

    Ribena Blackcurrent 250ml

    XCD $3.35

  • Fruta Orange Juice 250ml

    Fruta Orange Juice 250ml

    Fruta Orange Juice 250ml

    XCD $3.45

  • Pinehill Black Currant Juice Drink 250ml

    Pinehill Black Currant Juice Drink 250ml

    18 in stock

    Pinehill Black Currant Juice Drink 250ml

    18 in stock

    XCD $3.60

  • Swee' Drink Green Apple 20oz (591ml)

    Swee' Drink Green Apple 20oz (591ml)

    Swee' Drink Green Apple 20oz (591ml)

    XCD $3.35

  • Ensure Plus Vanilla 8oz -24

    Ensure Plus Vanilla 8oz -24

    Ensure Plus Vanilla 8oz -24 IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT: Nutrients to support immune-system health, with protein, vitamins A and D, zinc, and antioxidants* 75% MORE PROTEIN: Ensure Plus nutrition shakes contain 16 grams of high-quality protein COMPLETE, BALANCED NUTRITION: With nutrients to support muscles, immune health, bones, heart, and energy #1 DOCTOR-RECOMMENDED: Ensure is the #1 doctor-recommended brand of nutrition shakes GREAT TASTE: Delicious protein shakes with 350 calories and 27 vitamins & minerals Ingredients Water, Corn Maltodextrin, Sugar, Milk Protein Concentrate, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Soy Protein Isolate; less than 0.5% of: Whey Protein Concentrate, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Magnesium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate, Sodium Citrate, Soy Lecithin, Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Ascorbic Acid, Salt, Carrageenan, Potassium Hydroxide, Ferrous Sulfate, Dl-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate, Zinc Sulfate, Niacinamide, Manganese Sulfate, Calcium Pantothenate, Cupric Sulfate, Thiamine Chloride Hydrochloride, Vitamin A Palmitate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Chromium Chloride, Folic Acid, Sodium Molybdate, Biotin, Sodium Selenate, Potassium Iodide, Phylloquinone, Vitamin D3 and Cyanocobalamin.  Ensure Plus nutrition shakes are clinically proven to help gain weight. Each shake contains 16 grams of high-quality protein, 350 calories, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune-system health, including vitamins A and D, zinc, and antioxidants.* Ensure Plus protein shakes provide complete, balanced nutrition and are a great meal replacement option! * Vitamins C and E. † Ensure Plus = 16 g protein per 8 fl oz vs Ensure Original = 9 g protein per 8 fl oz.

    XCD $10.90


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